Friday, August 8, 2008

Beer Belt Perfect for Sports Fans. Alcoholics.

The Beer Belt is an ingenious device that allows you to wear your "Magical Issue Avoidance Juice" around your waist, giving you easier access to your blackouts. It's like a utility belt for alcoholics! The design is such that you can have up to four bottles on you at any given time thus saving your battered wife 3 unnecessary, time-wasting, trips to the fridge when she could be making your goddamn dinner. Sleeveless T-shirt and easy chair not included.

I had one of these, but I lost it in Washington DC. The Secret Service frowns upon people who hop the fence at the White House, crack open a cold one and start pissing on the lawn while yelling "Georgie! C'mon out, you redneck suminabitch!"
Apparently that Easter Egg Hunt is a tradition or something.

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